APJOMS | Guļamistabas | Cena par kvadrātpēdu no | Ēkas atrašanās vieta |
APARTMENT | 1 | 764 sq/ft | AED 999,888.00 |
APARTMENT | 2 | 1070 sq/ft | AED 1,588,888.00 |
APARTMENT | 3 | 1554 sq/ft | AED 2,604,888.00 |
Divi eleganti 40 un 20 stāvu torņi paceļas virs Creek Island krastmalas promenādes, ko savieno sulīgi labiekārtots atpūtas podests. Drošs un privāts, kas atrodas pašā dabas sirdī — ar tīrākajiem skatiem uz līci — šī ir CREEK EDGE. Izvēlieties vienas, divu vai trīs guļamistabu dzīvokļus.
Īpašais piedāvājums
2% zemes reģistrācijas atteikums
60% līdz pabeigšanai
40% 2 gadi pēc nodošanas
Down Payment | On Booking | % |
1st Installment | Within 30 Days from Booking | % |
2nd to 11th Installment | Every 4 Months from Booking | % |
12th Installment | On Completion (Q4 2022) | % |
13th to 20th Installment | Every 3 Months from Completion | % |
As seasoned real estate professionals, we understand how perplexing Dubai's off-plan real estate market can be for both novice purchasers and seasoned investors. Particularly in light of Dubai's hundreds of off-plan properties.
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To obtain your own selection of projects that satisfy all of your specifications, simply follow the instructions on the screen. Contact us to discuss any project in Dubai that interests you!
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